Monday, May 12, 2008

Well, I’m about to leave for my trip in less than a week and I am getting excited. I’m still not too sure what to expect because I have never been outside the U.S. And I don’t speak Spanish so that might be a problem?

Let’s see, I think a few goals that I have for this month long ‘vacation’ are to get a tan, gain some weight- from all the rice and beans ‘that sounds so good right now’, and to get acquainted with the Costa Rican citizens.

I guess a few things that I am looking forward to are:
The Beach— Who wouldn’t look forward to that?
The Rain Forest – zip lines, and monkeys of course
The Banana Plantations – Actually my dad made a few business trips to Costa Rica to sell conveyors to the Chiquita company. So, I’ve seen some first hand pictures and everything looks amazing.
Meeting my host family

I’ll try and post updates every chance I get and maybe a few pictures. Now lets go to COSTA RICA!

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