Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Getting Settled In

The next morning we met our maid, who makes us breakfast and does our laundry every Monday. We had pancakes and water w/ berries. That morning we had our first business class meeting to go over expectations. After lunch at the University we traveled to CINDE, which is explained in another blog. I cant quite remember everything that happened, too much is happening everyday. For dinner I believe we had pot roast but it was pork instead of beef with lemonade. That night paul and i went out to the bar and met our other classmates at Piscantos. It was a very small bar and we certainly outnumbered the Costa Ricans. Since we bought so much beer they started to hand out free shots and the bar tender even did some with us..haha.. I believe it was a family owned bar which in most cases are common in costa rica. I believe we got back in at 12 and went straight to bed
Tuesday the 20th we had Coco Crispies and Manga. I think the Manga has been the first thing that I have not liked since I have been here. We were suppose to have a Spanish survival lesson but our instructor was in a car accident. So we went over some of the reading material and it was a slight introduction. It rained most of that evening so we decided not go out. We had dinner with both Edgar and Viviana. She made spagetti and garlic bread. Later she let us try a weird fruit that I had to crack open and almost looked like a small guard. The fruit resembled fish-eggs and it was very gooey and definitely a different taste. We watched Identity w/ spanish subtitles. I hit the bed at 10:00 so I would be well rested for the trip to the coffee plantation.

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