Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Weekend trip to Monteverde

Friday the 23rd we had business class in the morning and we had a quick lunch at Veritas. We left San Jose at 1:30 to travel to Monteverde for the weekend. It was about a three-four bus ride north-west. That night we checked into our rooms and took in some scenery. The Arenal volcano was literally in our back yard. The volcano is over 400o years old and is Costa Rica's most active volcano. Later that night we traveled up the road to the Baldie hot springs. The hot springs are a series of pools that is very touristy, and I think it is somewhat heated by the volcano. Most of the pools were around 104 degrees but the hottest was 152 which most of us got into and it was really uncomfortable to say the least. Drinks were ten bucks a pop and you can really feel the alcohol in the hot springs. After the springs we dried off and walked to the restaurant which was a part of the hot springs. It was a very expensive restaurant. Everyone ate at the buffet. I had tilapia, some really good pasta, and probably the best potatoes that I've ever had. After dinner we went back to the hotel and partied. I went to bed around 12:30 or 1:00.

The next morning (24th) we had breakfast at the hotel. I had the famous gallo pinto, eggs, toast, and coffee. After Breakfast we left for the hydroelectric plant. We were able to visit the dam and the actual plant where the turbines are. Costa Rica generates about 80% of its electric through hydra electric plants. The plant was pretty boring but it was worth seeing, especially because its hard to get tours in the US because of terrorist attacks. After the plant we took the bus to a horse stable, where we rode horses to the waterfalls. The view was absolutely amazing because the volcano was in the background. The horseback riding was really fast and we were around to go at our pace. The horse was absolutely exhausted one we get to the falls. The La Fortuna waterfall is about 75 meters tall and it was the biggest one that I've ever seen. It was quite a hike down to where the waterfall hits the river. We were able to go into the little pond and swim and most of us went behind the waterfall to take in some of the scenery. When we got back to our hotel we had lunch, bologna sandwiches, yum. After lunch we went to Arenal National Park to see the lava flow. We weren’t able to see any lava but when we were really quiet we could hear the rocks falling off the side of the volcano. After the Park we went to a steakhouse but we were only aloud to get chicken or fish. It was still fairly tasty though. When we got back to the hotel the electric in the whole town went out and we didn’t have electricity for about an hour. So we did a little partying in the dark and I went to bed around 11:00.

The next morning (25th) we got up really early and had breakfast at the hotel and took off to Monteverde. We had to take a boat across Arenal lake which was about an hour and the view was amazing. We got on a couple of really small vans that took across the country side on really bad dirt roads, which have probably been the worst roads we have been on the whole trip. We checked into the lodge in the mid afternoon and got a quick bite to eat. Guess what, it was more rice and beans. After lunch we went zip lining in the rain forest. I would say that zipping has been the most fun activity so far. It was too bad that it was pouring rain or I would have gotten more pictures. At the zip lining place they also had a Tarzan swing which was absolutely crazy. We walked up to a 75 foot platform where they strapped us up and we just stepped over the edge and swung back and forth deep into the forest. The zip lining was pretty sweet too. Since we were in a cloud rain forest it was sometimes hard to see what is in front of you. After zip lining we went to a pizzeria which everyone was dying for some food that wasn’t rice and beans. That night when we got back to the lodge we went on a nature hike in the dark. It was raining really hard so we couldn't see much. The coolest thing I saw was an orange ring tarantula. At the very end of the tour we turned off our flashlights and walked in complete darkness. When we got back everyone was completely drenched.

The next morning (26th) we had to get up at 5:30 to do a morning nature hike. I think it was mostly to see birds and look at plants. Then we had about a 6 hour bus ride home to San Jose. That night we went to the local bar for a few hours and called it a night at 11:00.
This weekend was a blast. Its amazing to see how well Costa Rica has this tourism thing down to a science. There wasn't a moment where I felt like I needed to do more, and if anything I felt that we did too much and I was exhausted. It was neat to see how many diferent pieces of the puzzle are out there to make our stay very enjoyable. For instance one thing that I didnt intially recognize is the advertising. I dont think there was a weeekend trip where I didnt pass a sign for either bungee jumping, zip lining, or Arenal. There is just so much to see and do here, and I just like the fact that Costa Rica still has that undeveloped feel because in my opinion without it tourism would not be such a money maker.

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