Thursday, June 5, 2008

White Water Rafting

Due to the tropical storm plans were changed and we went white water rafting on Saturday (31st) on the Pacaure River. It was an excellent day to go rafting because of the water level and it was sunny all day. We left San Jose a little after 6:30 and returned are 6:00 that night. The Pacaure River is the most famous river in Costa Rica and the part of the river we rafted on had class 3 and 4 rapids. Our group rafted for 18 miles which took most of the day because we had to stop for lunch. Lunch was brought on the rafts and we had fresh watermelon and pineapple and wraps. I had 6 people on my raft Marty, Rob, Diane, Chase, Glenn, and our raft instructor Roberto. Our instructor let us swim through rapids towards the end which was really fun. Nobody in our group fell out, but it was fun to watch the other boats when people fell out. The best part was when we watched two rafts flip over because they were sucked up the bank and the people on board were forced to evacuate. We finished our trip back at the station where we purchased t-shirts and got dressed.

Overall I would say that rafting has been one of the most enjoyable trips this summer. I highly recommend anyone trying it at least once and I would definitely pay money to do it again. Our group went with a company called Exploradores Outdoors, but there were many other companies that we saw that would do the same job.

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