Monday, June 9, 2008

Puerto Veijo

On Thursday June 5th our group left for the La Selva Biological Reserach Station. When we arrived I could tell that I was in a totally different climate. I beleive we were in the lowlands of Costa Rica where it was extremely humid. After we arrived the enitre group went on a nature hike. There wasn't too much to see besides monkeys. For dinner that evening we had porkchops and rice and beans. That night a group of nine of us went on a nature walk with no tour guide. We didnt see too much but it was one of the most fun tours we have taken.

The next morning we took another tour with one of the most boring tour guides of the trip. We couldnt make it ten feet before he had to introduce another plant species. After breakfast we took off to Chiquita where they gave us their speal on how they are becoming more sustainable, and we also got to see where the bananas are sorted and shipped. For more info on Chiquita see my other blog. After the banana visit we left for Puerto Veijo. We did a little shopping on the strip of the beach and then we had dinner. That night we went to karaokee at the bar next to our hotel. And then we went to another bar that had music that we could dance to. And around midnight the bar sponsered a lingerie show which was pretty amazing to the say the least.

The next morning (7th) we took off for a hotel that was right on the beach and it by far the best place we have stayed at. This was also the first time for me being in the Caribean. During the day we played some beach volleyball and did some swimming.

The next morning 8th I took a nature hike to a beautiful spot on the ocean with about twelve other students. The best part was when Marty and I swam out to this huge rock out in the ocean, and this was after our professors said it probably wasnt a good idea. I lost my sandals along the way so I came back with a lot of cuts and sea earchant spines in my feet and hands. That night was a night of drinking and we made a bon fire on the beach.

The next morning we settled up our tabs and left and went back to Puerto Viejo for some souvenier shopping. Nothing much has happened since besides school work. I am starting to get excited for the trip home. But I have loved every minute of it.

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